Raising Questions – Juno Hamburg X Arctic Paper

JUNO is a design-driven branding agency for the digital age. They shape brands that inspire people. That tell a good story. And with appeal that works across all channels. 

Arctic Paper launches the Munken Creator, a Web-based application for creating font animations in an experimental way.

With ‘Raising Questions’ and the Munken Sans font, the Swedish paper manufacturer Arctic Paper invites creators to playfully develop and experiment with typographic design in the Munken Creator. The typographic artworks created aim to inspire people to think beyond the boundaries of how we communicate.

Questions are the answers of our time. When asked correctly, they open the senses to new challenges. Because good questions are messages of change.

‘Raising Questions’ is an invitation to create visual messages using the newly developed Munken Creator Web-based animation application. Creators can then share them with a wide audience under the hashtag #munkencreator. 

In 2020, Munken developed the font Munken Sans and shared it with the design community. Now new in 2022, Munken launches the Munken Creator, which is giving creators unimagined possibilities to develop and experiment with the font to create visually animated messages. These visuals can then be used for classic print or Web projects, with the animations directed or remixed in real time. Images and backgrounds can be combined with type editing in a nearly unlimited number of ways.


Analogue creation and digital animation merge into one

The creations from Munken Creator can be saved not only as images, but even as videos in WebM and MP4 formats and used in a variety of ways - from book projects to projections on house walls, there are almost no limits. The possibility to combine it with augmented reality allows the digital world to accentuate the tactile analogue experience.  

For the launch of the Munken Creator, a large-format magazine will be published featuring artworks created using the Web-based application. With the augmented reality app Artivive, the digital level is combined with the magazine design to create new dimensions of perception. 


The Munken Design paper range

The Munken Design range of eight premium, uncoated papers enables 100% design on 100% natural papers, with a unique tactile and authentic appeal that makes them a perfect choice for all sorts of design projects and corporate identity applications. The range consists of four different shades, from cream to high white, each in two different surface structures.