
Posterlad talks with Grafik about visual communication, working process, and e-commerce

Posterlad talks with Grafik about visual communication, working process, and e-commerce

Vratislav Pecka, better known as Posterlad, created the Posterlad project to redefine how we perceive and interact with posters. His approach to the poster is aesthetic and ideas driven, rather than promotional and advertorial. On the Posterlad website, Vratislav says "the project is all about pleasing the viewer's eye. Because the world needs good looking things". And who could possibly disagree with that? The project has been a huge success, receiving awards and critical acclaim, and Pecka's style is hard to forget once you've laid eyes on it.


Martin Naumann on ideas generation, inspiration and technology.

Martin Naumann on ideas generation, inspiration and technology.

Martin Naumann is a graphic designer based in Germany who creates sleek and stylish digital work, often with the use of abstract computer generated imagery. He creates beautiful branding work and enjoys re appropriating well known logos to fit into his striking and brightly coloured world. He's also a fan of using artificial intelligence to aide his design work, and says that "randomness plays a big role" in his creation process.


How did you begin designing and what were your early...

Lewis Osborne on taking inspiration, lockdowns, and working digitally

Lewis Osborne on taking inspiration, lockdowns, and working digitally

Lewis Osborne is a Bristol-based graphic designer and illustrator. His style is striking, optimistic and surreal, using bright and blocky colour palettes and clean line-work in juxtaposition to the delicate grainy texture his work lies upon. There is an almost utopian whimsy to his drawings, evoking futurism and familiarity all at once. Lewis answered some questions for us about his practice, his journey into design, and where his art will take him next.


How did your journey as a designer and illustrator begin?

Alisa Burzic on drawing creative inspiration from architectural work, sculptural pieces, and abstract paintings

Alisa Burzic on drawing creative inspiration from architectural work, sculptural pieces, and abstract paintings

We took the time to speak to Alisa Burzic, a Fine Arts Bachelor, about graphic design, letterforms and her creative process. Alisa currently resides in Belgrade, Serbia. For the last 4 years, she’s been working in the graphic design field, mainly in logo and type design. The greatest influence on the form she frequently explores and uses in her designs comes from the interest in modernist architecture and antifascist monuments that were built in the period of...

Morgane Vantorre on subtlety, sensibility and seeing design projects as a maturation process

Morgane Vantorre on subtlety, sensibility and seeing design projects as a maturation process

We took the time to speak with Morgane Vantorre who is a twenty-two—year-old French type and graphic designer who has a penchant for drawing, shapes and letterforms. She’s currently studying an MA in Type design at École Estienne in Paris. Morgane draws creative inspiration for her type design from famous type designers such as Emil Ruder, Herb Lubalin, Wolfgang Weingart - she is also greatly inspired by other fields such as concrete poetry, painting, architecture and sculpture. Using efficient, minimal ways to evoke messages, Morgane describes her work as subtle and...